Everything You Need to Know About a Healthy Balanced Diet

The importance of a balanced diet, dietary fiber, dietary fats as well as an organic diet

What does a balanced diet include?

A healthy, balanced diet includes the following nutrients:

  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamins and Minerals
  • Carbohydrates which include starch and fiber 
  • Protein 
  • Healthy fats

You can get these nutrients from eating a variety of foods from the 5 main food groups. The 5 food groups include:

  1. Fruits
  2. Vegetables
  3. Grains
  4. Dairy
  5. Protein 

If you are vegetarian or vegan, you can still get all your protein from food and do not always need to turn to supplements. You can eat legumes, beans, nuts and tofu just to give you an idea of protein substitutes. 

Importance of a balanced diet

A balanced diet ensures that your body is getting enough nutrients it needs to work effectively. It helps your body work at its optimal. When you eat a balanced diet, you feel good and are less prone to disease, bloating, muscle aches, pain, fatigue, and infection. 

Children who do not eat a balanced diet may face growth and developmental problems. They can also suffer from poor academic performance as well as get sick often. It is easier to teach kids at a young age to eat healthy to not develop bad eating habits that are hard to break when they get older. 

The Center for Science in the Public Interest said that four of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States are directly linked to diet. Some of the causes include:

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes 

The importance of dietary fibre

Fibre is important to help keep your gut healthy, your heart healthy, and reduce your risk of diabetes. It is estimated that only 5% of the American population meet the adequate intake of the daily fiber recommendation. 

One of the more common benefits of dietary fiber is the effect it has on your gut. A 2009 study shows the positive impact fiber has on gastrointestinal disorders such as:

  • Diverticular disease
  • Colorectal ulcer 
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Hiatal hernias 

Another study from 2019 concluded that people who increased their dietary fiber intake increased their weight loss. 

The importance of dietary fat

You do need healthy fats in your diet to help your body function properly. Fat is a source of essential fatty acids. These acids cannot be made by your body. Fat helps the body absorb Vitamin A, Vitamin D as well as Vitamin E. These vitamins are known as fat-soluble vitamins. This means that they can only be absorbed with the help of healthy fats. 

Fats help your body store energy, insulate your body, as well as help, protect your vital organs. Think of fats as messengers that help proteins in your body do their jobs correctly. 

A study shows that after decades of focusing on low-fat diets, many consumers, food manufacturers as well as restaurateurs remain confused about the role of dietary fats on disease risk and sources of healthy fats. The researchers concluded that educating yourself on healthy fats and including them in your diet will help you become healthier. 

The benefits of an organic diet

Eating organic foods means that you are exposed less to pesticides and GMOs that are given to livestock. Organic foods are not healthier in terms of nutrition levels. You are going to get the same benefits between organic foods and non-organic foods. 

With that being said, organic diets do lead to less pesticide and antibiotic exposure. Being exposed to pesticides long term can cause chronic illness and diseases. 

Other benefits include:

  • Better tasting food
  • Stronger immune system- less processed food in your diet 
  • Organic foods are not genetically modified 
  • Food is fresh 

A recent study in France followed 70,000 adults for five years. They found that those who ate organic developed 25% fewer cancers than those who did not eat organic. Other studies have shown that eating organic food has been associated with a lower risk of diabetes, pre-eclampsia as well as genital birth defects. 

The importance of diet and exercise 

Regular exercise and a balanced diet is essential for maintaining physical and mental health as well as your overall well-being. Diet and exercise do not only help prevent excess weight gain, but it also helps improve your sleep and mood. Physical activity helps improve brain-related function as well as outcomes. 

Some of the diseases that regular exercise and a balanced diet can prevent include:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • High cholesterol 
  • Arthritis 


When it comes to exercise, in general, you should aim for at least 2.5 hours of medium intensity exercise per week. Mixing aerobics with weight training or sports is a great way for you to vary your workouts. 

Make sure that you stretch before and after your workouts. Drink plenty of water and if you are feeling pain, stop and take a break. You do not want to hurt yourself whilst trying to get healthy.

You can take a few small steps to increase your overall health: 

  1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator 
  2. Walk to the shops in your neighbourhood instead of drive 
  3. Drink water instead of fizzy drinks
  4. Cut sugar out of your coffee and tea
  5. Try to cut down on your bread intake
  6. Walk the dog
  7. Eat healthier snacks- make your own dried fruit, have fruit and vegetables instead of chips
  8. Cut out processed foods


A healthy, balanced diet, as well as a regular exercise routine, will keep your mind and body healthy and young. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans explain how much each nutrient you should consume daily. 

In the United States, 36.5% of adults are obese. A further 32.5% of American adults are overweight. Together, more than two-thirds of adults in the U.S are overweight or obese. You can change this by having a healthy diet and exercising to keep your weight down, your heart healthy and your mind focused. 

If you would like to learn more about healthy diets such as the organic diet, click on the article to learn more:

What Is TMJ and How Can You Treat It

1 out of every 12 people in the United States is currently affected by a TMJ disorder. That means that 12% of the population suffers which equals about 35 million people. 

Your temporomandibular joint is an essential part of your everyday life. It is a complex hinge joint that connects your jawbone to your skull. It is responsible for:

  • Eating
  • Speaking
  • Chewing

If you have a TMJ disorder, this joint is inflamed and often causes a lot of pain. The pain is debilitating and can often be present in the joints, neck and ear area. When it gets worse, you battle to open your mouth and this will affect your lifestyle. 

Today, we will share with you TMJ symptoms, how you can treat the disorder and what can happen if the disorder goes untreated. 

TMJ symptoms 

Signs and symptoms of TMJ can include but not limited to:

  • Aching facial pain and neck pain
  • Pain or tenderness of your jaw
  • Pain in one or both of the temporomandibular joints
  • Pain in and around your ear,
  • Difficulty chewing or pain whilst you chew
  • Locking of the joint- this makes it difficult for you to open and close your mouth 
  • Headaches 
  • Clicking, grating or popping sounds in the jaw when you open and close your mouth 

What causes TMJ?

There are a few things that can cause TMJ. The joint is covered with cartilage and they are separated by a small shock-absorbing disk. This helps keeps the movement in your jaw smooth. Inflammation and injury can cause discomfort to the joint. Other causes include:

  • The joint’s cartilage is damaged by arthritis
  • Joint damage from an injury 
  • Stress and overusing the joint
  • Disk erodes or moves out of alignment 

How can you treat TMJ

Only about 50-60% of people who suffer will seek treatment. Those who do not, continue to live with painful side effects. It is estimated that those who do not treat the disorder, will develop a chronic TMJ disorder. 

Here are some natural ways in which you can help reduce the symptoms of TMJ.

  1. Avoid overuse of the jaw muscles. This will help the joint and muscles rest and recover. 
  2. Eat soft foods and stay hydrated. 
  3. Stretch the muscle and massage can help. A trained professional like a physiotherapist can show you exercises.
  4. Internet between heat and ice. This will help bring down swelling and help increase the healing time. 

A 2010 study shows that TMJ exercises can increase the mouth opening range more than using a mouthguard. 


In some cases, TMJ disorders can go away on their own. If the symptoms get worse, you should go see a doctor to help relieve the pain and discomfort. 

It is estimated that for every 100 million working adults in the United States, TMJ disorders contribute to 17.8 million lost workdays annually. It is best that you treat your symptoms as soon as possible so that it does not stop you from doing your daily activities like talking to people, eating and drinking. 

To learn more about natural ways to help with your pain, continuing reading the next article: How To Manage Your Chronic Pain Without Popping Pills.

Everything You Need to Know About How Pesticides Affect Your Body

What are pesticides and how do they affect your body in a negative way

Did you know that there are more than 1 000 different pesticides? They are there to help ensure food is not damaged or destroyed by pests. Each one has different properties as well as toxicological effects on humans. 

Pesticides are potentially toxic to humans. They can have both acute and chronic health effects. The effects depend on the amount of pesticide you are exposed to as well as how you are exposed.

Today, we will look at the effects pesticides have on your body as well as organic and or natural foods that can be consumed to help reduce your pesticide intake. 

How pesticides in food affect humans 

Pesticides can affect people in different ways. Depending on which pesticide is used, will depend on the negative side effect it can have on your body. 

You can get short term effects such as:

  • Stinging eyes
  • Rashes
  • Blisters
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhoea

Some of the chronic long term effects can be: 

  • Cancer
  • Birth defects
  • Complications with your endocrine system 
  • Kidney complications 

Some people are more vulnerable to pesticides than others. Kids and infants can be more susceptible than adults. Farmworkers who use synthetic pesticides on their crops have a higher exposure level than those who only eat the foods without washing them.

If you want to learn more about the pesticide that is being used on the specific food that you are buying, go to: http://npic.orst.edu/ 

You must wash your fruit and vegetables before you ingest them to help limit the number of pesticides you are consuming. 

Pesticide residues in food

Pesticide residue is the product that is leftover on your fruit and vegetables. This is after they have been washed with bleach or sprayed to make them look shiny. Experts recommend rinsing, rubbing and scrubbing your fruits and vegetables at home to help get rid of pesticide residue. 

A study was done at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Researchers suggest soaking food in a solution of baking soda and water. The research found that it took 12-15 minutes in baking soda solutions to completely get rid of the pesticide residue that was left on the items in the study. 

Pesticide-free foods

Unless you are growing your fruit and veggies in your own garden, you will not find pesticide-free foods. With that being said, there are a few fruits and vegetables that you can find on the shelves that have very low levels of pesticide residue. Organic foods have about one-third the number of pesticides than conventional produce. For you to get the best option, learn more about the products that contain the highest amount of pesticides. Try and avoid these foods or eat foods that are certified organic. 

 Here are some of the fruits and vegetables that have the lowest number of pesticides: 

  1. Avocado
    When the USDA tested 360 avocados, they found that fewer than 1% had pesticide residue. This is due to the thick skin that covers the fruit. 
  2. Cabbage
    Did you know, there is a compound in cabbage that repels harmful insects? This is why the vegetable requires less pesticide when it is growing. It has been said that cabbage has little to no pesticide residue once washed correctly. 
  3. Papaya
    The research found that around 80% of papayas tested had no detectable pesticide residues. The flesh was tested, not the skin and seeds. The skin helps shield the flesh from pesticides. 
  4. Asparagus
    90% or so of the asparagus that was examined had no detectable pesticides. They tested the edible parts of the asparagus after it was rinsed under tap water for about 15-20 seconds. 

There are other fruit and vegetables that are on that list. As you can see, the thicker the skin of the fruit or vegetable, the smaller the risk of ingesting pesticides. We are now going to have a look at organic foods and the types of pesticides that they use. 

Are there pesticides in organic foods?

The unfortunate answer to the question is yes. There are pesticides in organic food but that does not mean you need to be scared away from organic produce. 

The USDA manages a list of approved pesticides that are allowed to be used on organic produce. These pesticides are natural or non-synthetic. These substances have been produced or extracted from natural sources such as plants or other living organisms. Turns out, the only chemical changes that happen come from naturally occurring processes such as enzymatic digestion or composting. 

Doctor Rose has said: “In general, pesticides approved for organic production are lower in toxicity than conventional pesticides, and most are derived from naturally occurring substances.”

A 2014 paper looked at 343 studies that found that organic produce had four times less pesticide residue than conventional produce. 

Other research suggests that an organic diet appears to decrease the pesticide levels in our urine as well. 


Pesticides have been around for a very long time and it is said that they are not going to go away. They are needed in the agricultural industry but WHO says that they aim to make sure all pesticides pass regulations to ensure the health and safety of people. 


  • Wash your fruit and veg thoroughly before you consume them
  • Eat fruit and veg that contain a hard skin/shell to reduce your exposure
  • Organic foods use pesticides that pass the regulations set out by the board and they are made from natural ingredients. 

If you would like to learn more about healthier lifestyle choices, feel free to subscribe to our emailing services today. 

Tips on How to Live an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

How an eco-friendly lifestyle can positively benefit your health and mental state

Are you concerned about the environment? Most people have already taken small steps to become greener. A study was conducted and:

  • 83.4% of people recycle
  • 57.5% use reusable bags
  •  45.2% avoid using single-use plastics

In that same study, 79% of people believe that it is up to governments to tackle the environmental problems. 

This is not the case. We can make the change as we live on this earth, use its resources and it is time for us to start taking better care of it. 

Today, we will share with you ways in which you can live an eco-friendly lifestyle. 

What is an eco-friendly lifestyle?

An eco-friendly lifestyle is living an environmentally friendly life. 

The aim is to live a life where you are conscious of how your decisions affect the environment. 

How to live an eco-friendly lifestyle 

Before you go on this journey, you need to be open to change and have the willingness to make new changes. Have a positive attitude towards the environment because, in the beginning, it might be hard to adapt. 

The more steps you take, the easier it will become. There is no rush or right or wrong answer. You might start with just changing your toothbrush to bamboo and reusing shopping bags. This is a good start and even though it is small, it will make a difference. 

There are a few key steps that you can take to help live an eco-friendly lifestyle:

  1. Be aware of your resources
    Pay close attention to how much natural resources it is that you waste. By being more away of what you use and what you do not need, you will reduce your carbon footprint. This will help save you money as well as the planet. 
  2. Practice conservation
    Once you are aware of how natural resources are used, you will see that conservation will happen naturally. It is simple things like turning off the lights, fix dripping taps, install solar panels to help run your house and so on. 
  3. Change how you travel
    When you travel, go for fuel-efficient ways. Select routes that are shorter. This will reduce the fuel fumes that you emit into the air. 
  4. Buy local
    An easy way for you to reduce your carbon footprint is to buy products that are grown locally. Not only will you help the environment but you will also help local businesses stay afloat. 
  5. Reduce, reuse, recycle
    Next time you go shopping, use reusable bags and buy items that do not have packaging.
    You can take it one step further. Go out and buy reusable straws, cups, mugs, and takeaway containers to help eliminate the waste thrown away and damaging the environment. 

What are the health benefits of living an eco-friendly lifestyle?

Getting rid of straws all together can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles that are caused by sucking on the straws in the first place. 

A study suggests that people who bike to work instead of drives, feel less stressed once they get to work. 

Research suggests that engagement in environmentally friendly behavior can make you feel good. It boosts your self-image and allows you to see yourself in a positive light. This helps your mental health. 


Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is important. Every action we take makes a difference. An eco-friendly lifestyle can lead to a healthier environment and a better overall lifestyle.  

Would you like to learn more about other ways that can help you lead a healthier, natural lifestyle? Then you can sign up for our emailing services today. 

Everything You Need to Know About Detoxing Your Body

Understanding Detox programs and products that are commonly used to help maintain a healthy gut and organs

Detox is a multibillion-dollar industry. It is estimated that the global detox market was valued at over $51 billion in 2019. Your body has a natural way to detox itself but sometimes, your body needs help to get the detox process rolling once again. We are going to look at ways in which you can help detox your body to aid in weight loss, improve your mood and enhance your overall health. 

This article explains some of the misconceptions about detoxing your body, detox programs as well as detox products that you can get that will help rejuvenate your body’s natural detoxification system. 

What is a detox used for?

People often use a detox process to help eliminate harmful toxins that are in their body. It is believed that these therapies are commonly recommended because of the potential exposure to toxins and chemicals in the environment around you as well as your diet. These toxins can include:

  • Pollutants
  • Synthetic chemicals
  • Heavy metals
  • Harmful compounds 
  • Allergens in food and other substances 

The body has a natural detoxification system which is known as the lymphatic system. This system helps get rid of toxins in the body. The body can cleanse itself through the liver, faeces, urine and sweat. The liver takes the toxins, makes them non-toxic and then expels the toxins through the rest of the lymphatic system. When the body is filled with toxins that are hard to expel such as heavy metals, the lymphatic system can become a bit sluggish and take longer to get rid of the unwanted taste in the body. When this happens, often professionals will suggest a detox program to help move the waste along. 

Who can benefit from a detox?

Most people can benefit from a detox every now and again. Sometimes our systems need a jump start to help get it back on track. Detoxes can help with:

  • Weight loss
  • Water retention
  • Constipation 
  • Dehydration 
  • Muscle cramps and pain
  • Sluggish lymphatic system 
  • Increase vitamin and mineral intake 
  • Improve mood 
  • Helps boost your immune system
  • Increases digestion 

Side effects of detoxing 

There are a few side-effects that can happen when you are going through a detox. Some of the effects include but are not limited to:

  • Low energy 
  • Low blood sugar
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Dizzy or lightheaded
  • Nausea 

If you are experiencing any of these side-effects, it is normal to feel this way for a little bit. If your symptoms get worse, stop the detox right away and seek medical help. 

Different types of detoxes 

What is a detox diet?

According to Healthline, a detox diet is a short-term dietary intervention that is designed to eliminate toxins from your body. A typical detox diet involves a period of fasting, followed by a strict diet of fruit, vegetables, juices and water. Some detox diets might also include herbs, teas, supplements as well as colon cleanses or enemas. These diets claim to clean your blood as well as eliminate harmful toxins that are sitting in your body. 

What does a detox diet include?

Most detox diets include at least one of the following steps:

  • Fast for 1-3 days
  • Drink only fresh fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, water as well as tea
  • Drink specific liquids such as salted water or lemon juice
  • Eliminates food high in heavy metals, contaminants and or allergens from your diet
  • Take supplements or herbs
  • Avoid foods you are sensitive to
  • Use laxatives, colon cleansers and or enemas
  • Exercise 
  • Eliminate alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes/vaping and refined sugar

What is a detox drink?

By definition, a detox drink helps flush out toxins in the body as well as boosts the body’s metabolism. There are three common homemade detox drinks that are used around the world. 

Lemon and ginger 

This is a great detox drink to help you lose weight. Ginger contains gingerol which is known to help prevent stomach problems as well as aids digestion. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C as well as antioxidants which help fight off free radicals. 

Cinnamon and Honey

Cinnamon is a spice that can help curb cravings and honey helps to boost your metabolism. It is a great drink for you to have hot or cold to help with weight loss.

Cucumber and mint

Cucumber and mint are a great combination that not only tastes great but it also helps to relieve an upset stomach due to the anti-inflammatory properties of mint. Cucumber helps fight off free radicals and it is hydrating which helps to move toxins out of your body quicker. 

What is detox tea?

Detox teas are products that are sold on the market to help your body expel toxins. These teas lead to water weight loss because they can be a diuretic and send you to the bathroom more often. The teas do not contain regulated ingredients and often have powerful herbs, medications, laxatives and sometimes illegal ingredients that can cause severe health problems. 

It is strongly advised that you avoid teas and other products that are sold for weight loss purposes. These products are not regulated so you are not always sure what is actually in the product. 

Green tea

Green tea is a common tea that is used for weight loss. It is high in caffeine and most of the teas contain around 80-300 mg of green tea catechins. Research has shown that this amount is safe however, the supplements that are being used can be harmful to your liver. 800mg of green tea catechins has led to higher health risks according to EFSA experts. Drinking lots of green tea has been deemed safe due to the lower concentration of antioxidants. 

What is detox water?

Detox water is made by infusing water with fruits, herbs and or vegetables. You can make your own at home. Detox water has fewer calories than juicing or blending the ingredients because the items are infused in the water and you are not consuming the produce. If you crush or bruise the fruits and herbs, you can help release more flavor into the water. 

Drinking water may help you lose weight. Studies have shown that drinking half a liter of water can increase your metabolic rate by up to 30% per hour. 

Drinking water increases the hydration in your body and can help with your digestion. Water can also help food pass smoothly through your gut and prevent you from becoming constipated. 

Drinking detox water may help you lose weight, have a better digestive system as well as help with your mood. You can get these benefits from drinking regular water as well but if you do not like drinking water, infusing it with the herbs and fruits can make drinking water more exciting. 

What is detox juice?

Detox juice is the nutritious juice that is extracted from fruits and vegetables. This is done by using different methods which include squeezing them with your hands or using a blender. A 3 day juice detox is very popular. You only drink juice and water for a period of time and it is assumed that this will give your liver and digestive system time to detox. 

If you are diabetic or prone to high sugar levels, check with your doctor before you go on a juice detox. Some of the juices are high in sugar and can cause your sugar levels to spike. 

The juices are high in fiber. Studies have shown that consuming high amounts of fiber can decrease your appetite because it helps to slow down the emptying of your stomach which maks you feel fuller for longer. 

What is a detox smoothie?

A detox smoothie blends a variety of fruits, herbs and vegetables to help aid in digestion. When your body is able to digest food correctly, your body is able to get rid of unwanted waste so that it does not sit in your system and cause issues such as bloating, constipation, stomach cramps and so on. 

Another great benefit is that smoothies can help support your immune system. Vitamin C that is present in the smoothies have shown to benefit your immune system when consumed on a regular basis. 

What is a detox bath? 

According to Healthline, a detox bath is considered a natural way to help remove toxins from your body. During a detox bath, ingredients such as epsom salts, essential oils, herbs and roots  are dissolved in water in a bathtub. You can then sit in the bath and soak for 12 minutes to an hour at a time. 

A small study was done on 19 people and it was found that by adding epsom salts to a bath, it raises the body’s magnesium levels. This can help your body get rid of lactic acid, which will help relieve sore and stiff muscles. Please note: Epsom salts can dehydrate you. Make sure that you drink a glass of water before and after your detox bath. Get out of the bath slowly to reduce the risk of feeling dizzy and light headed. 


Detoxing is said to help eliminate toxins, improve your health and promote weight loss. It is important to keep in mind that a detox does not replace a balanced meal, regular exercise and a healthy mental well-being. 

With that being said, a detox can enhance your body’s natural detoxification process and that can improve your overall health, help you stay hydrated, ensure that you consume less salt as well as get nutrients that are high in antioxidants and vitamins that boost your immune system. 


  • Stay hydrated when you are detoxing
  • It is not advised that you detox when you are pregnant or lactating 
  • Check with your doctor before you start a detox program
  • Detox teas are not regulated so make your own natural detox teas at home
  • Do not use fruits, vegetables, essential oils or herbs in any of the detox programs that you are allergic to or sensitive. Three common homemade detox drinks are to. 

We have a lot of articles that share with you different natural and alternative ways to help you lose weight, stay healthy and maintain a well balanced lifestyle. To find out more, sign up for our emailing services today.

The Health Benefits of Acupuncture

Understanding what acupuncture is and the studies that prove the health benefits of the practice

In 2012, the Journal of Pain estimated that 25.3 million Americans suffer from pain daily. It was estimated that 14.4 million of those people suffer from level 4 pain which is also known as the highest form of pain. 

Acupuncture has been studied and practised for over 2 500 years. In 2012, it was estimated that 3.5 million Americans use acupuncture to help with their pain. Acupuncture is a natural way to help you with your pain management. People have used it to stop relying on pain pills as often. 

Today, you will learn about acupuncture and the benefits that it can bring to you. It is a natural practice that can help you with your pain management. 

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine-based practise with an approach to treat a variety of conditions by triggering specific points on the skin with needles. Ancient Chinese medicine believes that acupuncture releases any blocked qi or life force that is stuck in your body and is causing you pain. 

Paul Kempisty is a licensed acupuncturist and he has said: “Each acupuncture needle produces a tiny injury at the insertion site, and although it’s slight enough to cause little to no discomfort, it’s enough of a signal to let the body know it needs to respond. This response involves stimulation of the immune system, promoting circulation to the area, wound healing, and pain modulation.”

How does it work?

A trained professional will place needles in your skin on specific areas and trigger points. It is believed that the points stimulate the central nervous system. This system releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord as well as the brain. The biochemical changes may stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.

You might feel a bit of discomfort during the treatment but when the trigger points release, you feel the tension leave your body. You leave feeling rejuvenated and the pain can subside. 

The main benefits of acupuncture

There have been reports of acupuncture helping many different types of conditions and illnesses. Some of the proven benefits of acupuncture are as following but are not limited to:

There are a few studies that suggest that acupuncture has been able to help with cancer treatments, however, research for the condition is limited and requires more studies done to prove the effectiveness. 

People have also said that going for acupuncture when undertaking fertility treatments have helped them with the fertility process as well. It has helped them with the stress that comes with the treatment and many doctors believe that acupuncture cannot do much harm so it is worth a try. 


Robert Downey Jr. is the man who plays Tony Stark in Iron Man. He advocates for traditional medicine. For a couple of years now, acupuncture has been his method of ensuring he is healthy and he says it helps him maintain his overall wellness. He has confessed that acupuncture has helped him a lot in being a more tolerable person.

Acupuncture is an alternative treatment that has science behind the practice to prove that the treatments do help your physical and mental well-being. To find out more about Alternative treatments and how you can help maintain a healthy mind and body through natural therapies, sign up for our emailing service today.

The Benefits of Meditation on Your Brain as Well as Spiritual Awareness

The beliefs as well as the science behind meditation and the effects it has on you spiritually as well as on your brain

Meditation is used across the world in countless religions and cultures. Some people use meditation to help them deal with stress, clear their minds, become more self-aware as well as help awaken them spiritually. 

Today, we are going to share with you some insight into the science between meditation and the brain as well as how it is believed to encourage you to inspire your soul as your sense of spirituality.

Jen Alico is a certified meditation coach and she has said, “With any type of meditation, the more you try the harder it will be to achieve a meditative state.”

Benefits of meditation spiritually 

Experts say that you should not force any type of spiritual awakening. You need to be open to the practice and the more you try and force it, the worse your experience will be. It is hard to prove that anything has a spiritual effect however, a small study was done in 2019, and they found that meditation can increase spiritual experiences such as:

  • Feeling a spiritual presence 
  • A sense of transcendence 
  • A sense of awe
  • Hearing voices or seeing visions 

Other people believe that meditation can include the following benefits but these have not yet been proven: 

  • Less reactivity
  • A sense of inner bliss
  • A more balanced sense of being 
  • A strong sense of belonging 
  • An increase in creativity 
  • A sense of clarity in your life purpose 
  • Inner stillness and peace 

Benefits of meditation for the brain 

A 2011 study was done at the Harvard Medical School. They wanted to examine the effects of mindfulness meditation on the brain and found a connection between mindfulness as well as processing new information.

17 brains were examined before and after the 8-week program and the researchers found that the brain scans showed an increase in gray matter in certain parts of the brain. These areas are responsible for learning, memory as well as emotional regulation. 

A study was conducted in 2016 at Carnegie Mellon University. A group of unemployed adults took part in a 3-day relaxation program that did not have mindfulness meditation, and a separate group had the meditation as part of the program. Researchers found that the group who did the meditation had an increase in connectivity among parts of the brain that control attention. 


Meditation can be hard at the beginning. Being quiet with your inner thoughts and feelings can be scary for some people. Once you get into the meditation practice, you will see the benefits that the practice has on your mind, body and soul. It is a natural way in which you can physically take time out of your day to listen to your body and hear what your body needs. 


  • Do not force a meditation 
  • Take your time 
  • Practice meditation daily 
  • You can use self-help videos on the internet to help guide you through your desired meditation 

If you would like to improve your focus, reduce your stress and anxiety or help inspire your soul spiritually, then give meditation a try. To learn more about how you can improve your mind, body and soul naturally and holistically, sign up for our emailing services today. 

Everything You Need to Know About Essential Oils and Their Usage

Who can and can’t use essential oils, the benefits and usage of some of the most popular essential oils and how to choose high-quality oils

The United States essential oil market size was estimated at around $ 4.8 billion back in 2019. It was expected for the market to reach around $ 5.2 billion by 2020. 

Essential oils have been used for hundreds of years in different cultures to help heal the body naturally. Essential oils are not just there to make your room smell pretty but they also have natural healing properties. People use them because of their smell as well as their natural ability to help the body heal. They are easy to use and a professional can mix up oils for you that will help you deal with your current conditions. 

Today, we are going to share with you how you can use oils safely as well as some of the main benefits of the most popular essential oils that are being used around the world today. 

What are essential oils?

According to Healthline, essential oils are compounds extracted from plants. The oils help to capture the plant’s scent and flavor or their ‘essence’. 

Essential oils are captured through a distillation process. Either the plants are steamed or they go through a mechanical method known as cold press. Once the compounds are extracted, they are often combined with carrier oils to create a product that is ready to be used. 

You must find out how the essential oils are made because if they are done through a chemical process, they are not considered true essential oils and will not give you the full benefit that the oil is meant to give. 

Who can use essential oils?

Anyone can use essential oils. The trick is how you use the oils and when you should not use the oils. 

Essential oils have a few contraindications, which means that you need to check with a qualified aromatherapist or doctor to see if you can use the oils you wish to purchase. There can be components that people are allergic to so if you have a nut allergy, you cannot use essential oils that are extracted from nuts or the plants that produce nuts. 

Young children and elderly people may be more sensitive to the oils. If you wish to apply the oils to your skin, make sure that you dilute the oils with a carrier oil so that it is less potent. Do a patch test and see how the skin reacts after 24 hours. 

You can place essential oils into diffusers for anyone to use. Inhaling the oils does take longer for the benefits to be present but it is a safer option for elderly people and young children. 

Are essential oils safe? 

Essential oils are safe for the most part. Just because they are natural, does not mean they can be used on anyone. 

Using essential oils on your skin or inhaling when they are combined with a carrier oil is safe. There are a few oils that cannot be used if you have certain illnesses or diseases. For example, if you are diabetic, you should not use an oil that has the word ‘sweet’ in the name. 

Some of the side effects can include but are not limited to:

  • Skin irritation 
  • Asthma attacks
  • Headaches
  • Allergic reactions
  • Dizziness 

If you have any side effects, do not panic. Wash the oil off your skin with a cold, clean compress. Turn off your diffuser and open the windows to get fresh air into the room. If the reaction gets worse or does not go away after 24 hours, seek medical help as soon as possible. 

Do not use essential oils if you are pregnant! Professionals are not 100% certain that it is safe to use during pregnancy so rather do not take the chance.  Another thing that you need to remember is that essential oils should not be ingested. Swallowing essential oils is not recommended and can be harmful and in some cases, fatal. If an oil says that you can drink it, it is not pure oil. 

Speak to a professional Aromatherapist to check which oils are safe for you to use with your current conditions and diseases. Some oils like we said before are not safe to use when you have a disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure, low blood pressure or hormone imbalances. 

How to choose the right essential oils

Just because a company might tell you that their essential oils are good, does not mean that they have been harvested correctly or that they are pure essential oils. Since essential oils are part of an industry that is not regulated, the quality and composition of the essential oils can vary. 

Here are a few tips you can keep in mind to make sure you are buying the best of the best:

  • Quality
    High-quality oils have been changed the least by the extraction or harvest process. You want to choose a chemical-free oil and that has been extracted through distillation or the cold-press process. 
  • Reputation
    Researching brands will help you see who has the best reputation when it comes to high-quality products. It is always a good idea to go with the brands that the professionals’ trust and use. 
  • Purity
    Pure essential oils contain no additives or synthetic oils. If you look at the labels, pure oils will list the plants’ botanical names such as Lavandula Officinalis and not terms like essential oil for lavender or fragrance. 

Benefits and uses of some of the more popular essential oils

Benefits of lemongrass essential oil 

Lemongrass is a powerful essential oil that is derived from the leaves and stalks of the lemongrass plant. It has a powerful citrus scent. 

Some of the benefits include but are not limited to:

Benefits of vetiver essential oil 

This is a plant and the root is used to make the essential oil.

According to WebMD, Vetiver can be applied directly to the skin to help relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety. Professionals use it to help their patients deal with emotional trauma and shock. It is also used to help relieve pain from arthritis, strings as well as burns. It can also be used to help get rid of lice and repel insects. 

You can also inhale the oil to help with nervousness, insomnia as well as joint and muscle pain. 

Benefits of lemon essential oil for the skin

Lemon is another strong citrus smelling oil. When you dilute the oil, you can apply it topically to your skin and it will help kill bacteria that may be trapped in your pores which causes skin breakouts. 

According to Healthline, it can help you clear out your skin as it is an antioxidant and contains Vitamin C. These properties help to exfoliate the skin which will get rid of unwanted dead skin cells that sit on top of your skin and cause the pores to become filled with gunk. 

Benefits of valor essential oil 

Valor is also known as courage in a bottle. It can boost your courage and help you deal with your anxiety. Valor essential oil is a mixture of different oils such as:

  • Rosewood
  • Spruce
  • Frankincense
  • Blue Tansy 

These oils mixed together gives you an ara of different benefits such as:

  • Reduces stiff muscles
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Provides courage
  • Gives you a mood boost
  • Treats burns
  • Helps with anxiety
  • Eases anxiety
  • Relieves headaches

Benefits of nutmeg essential oil 

This oil is extracted from the seeds of the nutmeg tree. It is not safe to use if you have a nut allergy. It has a strong, spicy scent with a musky undertone. 

Some of the benefits include:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Pain-relieving
  • Antimicrobial
  • Cleansing and energizing 

It is a great oil to use in the morning to help you get up and get going. 

Benefits of birch essential oil 

Birch bark has been proven to accelerate acute wound healing. Further studies need to be done into this oil to see how effective it can be with the wounds associated with diabetes. 

This oil also helps to reduce pain, relieves symptoms of arthritis as well as acts as a skin toner that can be used on all ages. 

Benefits of amber essential oil 

Amber essential oil is used in a lot of natural everyday products but most of us are not aware that it is there. 

Some of the proven benefits include:

Benefits of yarrow essential oil 

Yarrow is a herb that has been used since ancient times. 

It is used for: 

  • Fever
  • Common colds
  • Hay fever
  • Toothache 

It can be applied to the skin to help with wound healing. You can eat the natural herb and it can be used in salads or steeped in hot water and turned into a tea to help with bloating, intestinal gas, mild gastrointestinal cramping as well as other stomach issues. 

Benefits of anise essential oil 

Anise is a herb and the oil comes from the root and leaf to make natural medicines. 

It is used for:

  • An upset stomach
  • Runny nose
  • As a diuretic
  • Insomnia
  • Constipation 
  • Appetite stimulant 

You can diffuse the oil to help with runny noses during the winter seasons. If you want to use it to help with digestive issues, you can eat the herb or you can turn the herb into a natural tea and drink it with a bit of honey. 


There are a lot of studies out there that prove the benefits of essential oils. Please note that essential oils are not there to heal or to replace modern-day medicine. They are there to help you maintain a holistic approach as well as to help keep your body in a natural and healthy state. You can use them in conjunction with your medication to help your body manage better. You can try using an essential oil such as mint or lavender to help with a mild headache for example before taking a pill. 


  • Do not use essential oils when pregnant or lactating 
  • Keep oils out of reach from children
  • Always do a patch test before applying oil to your skin
  • If you have a reaction, wash the oil off and seek medical help if the reaction gets worse or does not go away after 24 hours
  • Speak to your doctor or a professional to see which oils are best for you 

If you would like to learn more about natural ways you can help your body, sign up for our emailing services today. 

The Benefits of Keeping a Gratitude Journal

The benefits of a gratitude journal. How to keep up a gratitude journal and the scientific proof of how it helps you

A gratitude journal is simply a tool to help you keep track of the good things in your life. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States. It has been reported that 40 million adults in America ages 18 and older suffer from mental illness every year. 

A gratitude journal can help you see the good things in your life. It is a way in which you can remind yourself that there are still positive things in the world even though it seems like the world is falling apart. 

Today, we will share some of the benefits as well as proven studies of what a gratitude journal can offer you. 

The benefits of a gratitude Journal

There are several benefits to writing in a gratitude journal. Some of the benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Feeling calmer at night
  • Gain a new perspective of what important to you
  • Learn to appreciate the good in your life
  • Helps you focus on what matters in life
  • Helps you become more self-aware
  • Gives you a safe place to write down your thoughts and adjust your attitude towards life

Studies that prove the benefits of writing in a gratitude journal 

A 2018 study researched the impact of gratitude on adolescent materialism and generosity. Researchers found that writing in the journal significantly reduced materialism among adolescents and also attenuated materialism’s negative effect on generosity. It was also found that the participants donated 60% more of their earnings to charity compared to those who did not write a gratitude journal. 

A 2018 study found that students who kept the journal ate healthier. There was also some evidence that it can help lower your risk of heart disease as well as lowered symptoms of depression in some cases. 

How to Maintain a gratitude journal 

These are the 5 main steps you should take to keep up with your gratitude journal. 

  1. Plan to write in your journal for 15 minutes every night before you go to bed. You can set an alarm on your phone and put a schedule in your diary on your phone. Doing this at night is easier because you can write down what you are grateful for from the day. 
  2. Keep your gratitude journal by your bed so that you will see it when you climb into bed and be reminded to write in it. 
  3. Write as much or as little as you want into the journal. 
  4. Your journal doesn’t need to be in-depth. You can write that you are grateful for your family or that awesome cup of coffee you had this morning. 
  5. You do not only have to write at night. Write when you feel inspired and if you miss a night or two, that is okay. As long as you go back to it when you feel like you need a pick me up. 


Sam Khazai is an actor based in New York. He has a gratitude journal and has said, “It helps me feel awake and abundantly joyful, I know it sounds kind of meta, but practising gratitude, it brings me so much gratitude in and of itself.” Sam writes 3 things he is grateful for each day. 

Gratitude journals as well as meditation, work well together. Meditation will help you open your mind to your thoughts and then you can write them down with a clear mind. Read on to learn more about meditation and how it can help you.

How Yoga Can Help You With Chronic Back and Neck Pain

Yoga is a practice that has been around for a very long time. It is used to help stretch and strengthen your muscles. Back pain can be very debilitating and can stop you from partaking in everyday activities. 

Yoga is not a cure but it is a practice that can help you alleviate your pain. It will allow you to manage your chronic pain better and get you off the medication that you are using to treat the pain. 

Elissa Stein is, 53 is a freelance writer for New York City. She suffered from back pain since she was 16 years old. She started yoga and this is what she said:

“It’s terrible when you feel you’re not capable of doing anything except taking a muscle relaxant, yoga offered a “good stretch.” But then she started to realize other benefits, namely, the focus on conscious breathing and meditation.

“Now I’m helping myself, instead of relying on medication,” Stein said.

In this article, we will share with you studies that show the impact yoga has on the different areas of your back and when it is best to seek medical help. 

How Yoga can help with back pain

New research has shown that yoga classes that are designed specifically for back pain can be as safe and effective as physical therapy in easing pain. 

The yoga pose known as Asanas poses is important for you to do because they help to stretch and strengthen important muscles in your back. 

A pose known as a seated spinal twist will allow you to gently twist the muscles in your back resulting in a good stretch. This leaves you feeling like you have restored your back to its healthy and normal positions. 

How Yoga can help with lower back pain

A 2017 study showed that yoga is as effective as standard physical therapy for treating moderate to severe chronic back pain. The study suggests that yoga may be a useful treatment option for people who suffer from lower back pain and issues. 

How yoga can help with upper back pain 

We all suffer from something known as ‘Texting neck’. We are so used to being on our phones and computers, that our necks take huge strain and become stiff. This can cause headaches, trapped nerves and even difficulty seeing. Yoga can help relieve the muscles that are stiff and help prevent headaches and chronic pain. 

A separate study from 2017 was done and it assessed the effects yoga had on people who did yoga for a short time. The results showed a small to moderate decrease in pain intensity. People were less likely to use pain medication after 3 months of doing yoga. 

When is it not a good idea to start yoga? 

Even though recent research suggests that yoga is a great way to treat back pain, there are times when yoga is not appropriate. Doctors say that if you have a slipped disk or broken bones, you should not start yoga. 

Make sure that you check with your doctor before you start yoga or any exercise program. In some cases, yoga can do more harm than good. 


According to the International Yoga Federation, about 300 million people do yoga worldwide. 1 in every 3 Americans has tried yoga at least once in their lifetime. This goes to show that people believe in the positive effects yoga has on their body. 

To learn more about the benefits of yoga, feel free to read on: Introduction to the Benefits of Yoga.

Or join our emailing services to learn about ways in which you can help maintain your back pain naturally and holistically.